BlogEngine Troubleshooting

Here you find a collection of most common problems people run into using BlogEngine.NET and solutions to fix them.

Basic requirements

  • .NET 4.5 application pull integrated mode in IIS 7+
  • Full trust (you might need to set it in web.config changing from "medium" and uncommenting, depends on server configuration).
  • Write permissions on App_Data and Custom folders, site root for auto-update.
  • Support for Web Pages/Razor (installing latest MVC takes care of it)

Ooops! An unexpected error has occurred

By default, application deploys custom error page hiding detailed error for security reasons. To turn off custom errors and display detailed information, modify web.config file in the application root directory.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Script Errors

As any web application, BlogEngine does a lot of JavaScript when you navigate, click, type and so on. Browsers tend to hide script errors and often you would not know if something went wrong. To troubleshoot script errors, use F12 tools in IE/Chrome or FireBug in FireFox. Look at the "console" for immediate errors and "network" to verify all resources downloaded properly.

Server Errors

Tools like Fiddler excellent for identifying server-side issues. When something goes wrong and no error shows up, you might use this kind of tools to sniff on network traffic and see what is going on behind the seen. When you click "save" button and nothing happens - you probably will see red row in that list.