We are happy to announce BlogEngine 2.8 release!
You can get it on our downloads page and upgrade instructions are available here.
Here are some helpful videos on how to install version 2.8 and how to upgrade from 2.7 to 2.8 using updater utility.
What is new in this release
- Bug fixes. We made lots of fixes and improvements to make code more stable, reliable and work well out of the box.
- New standard theme. With a help of our newest project member Francis standard theme made great strides to catch up with new design trends and we have plans to do more in this area.
- Improvements to site aggregation. With 2.8 you will be able easily to set up a blog for a family, friends or any group of people to help them collaborate and share their work.
- Upgrades to latest versions for most of the 3rd party libraries like TinyMCE editor, syntax highlighter, Razor, WebPages and more. Most external libraries now Nuget based which we hope will become a common pattern.
- Azure ready - BlogEngine 2.8 can run on Azure out of the box, including SQL Server data provider.
Should I upgrade?
This is incremental release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements. Even if you don't see big features you still be better of upgrading to the latest. It is usually easy to upgrade from previous version but getting harder as you skip. Keeping up with updates is always winning strategy.